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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Nov 11, 20202 min read
Electric field induction
Q. Can you define electric field induction? 8.3.1 Insulators All nonessential insulators such as coffee cups, food wrappers and personal...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Nov 2, 20203 min read
ESD chairs
Testing ESD Chairs per ANSI/ESD STM12.1-2013 I am trying to ensure that my ESD chairs are working per the ANSI/ESD STM12.1- 2013 standard...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Oct 27, 20202 min read
ESD flooring applications
Q. Looking for some guidance regarding the use of ESD flooring. 1) Between static dissipative or static conductive is one considered...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Sep 4, 20202 min read
ESD field meter or ESD voltmeter? Which is better?
Question 1. Which one is more helpful in reference to auditing the EPAs, the ESD field meter or the ESD voltmeter? Answer 1. The ESD...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Mar 6, 20199 min read
您对“认证书”的看法如何?得到了“认证”书的价值是什么? 这问题的答案必须从最基础问起,“什么是认证?”在静电控制领域,世界上最重要的教育和标准制定组织是美国EOS / ESD协会,Inc(ESDA)。ESDA已经建立了多种类型的标准和实践 。...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Feb 25, 201910 min read
The Value of Certification
What does “certification” mean to you? What is the value of becoming “certified?” The answer to this question has to include an answer to...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Jan 29, 20192 min read
Everfeed Website Navigation and Guide
Hello everyone, I apologize for the late post as Everfeed is currently undergoing some internal reformation and relocation as well as we...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Jan 21, 20196 min read
What is Electrical Static Discharge? What Problem does it cause?
We’re talking about Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) on this blog all the time. But what exactly does it mean and why is it so dangerous?...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Jan 14, 20192 min read
ESD seating compliance verification
Q1) I was reviewing the standard TR.53.15 section 10 Seating, I want to do the compliance verification but in the standard does not refer...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Mar 5, 20182 min read
ESD handtools
Q1) Hand tools- if the tools are not ESD rated is it acceptable to: A. Instruct the operator to neutralize the tools with ESD spray daily...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Feb 26, 20182 min read
ESD worksurface and flooring per ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007
Question) Looking at the S20.20-2007, I don’t see that there is a requirement to “log” the readings when we check the ESD worksurface or...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Feb 23, 20182 min read
Application for different type of tapes
Q) What are your thoughts on the use of regular Scotch tape for sealing static dissipative ESD bags? I am developing an ESD process and...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Feb 21, 20184 min read
ESDA Threshold Vol 25 No.1 The Use and Abuse of the term “class 0”
Q1: A customer has asked if our facilities are certified to class 0 CDM. We are accustomed to class 0 for HBM, so is this the same for...
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Administrator ESDA ASEAN
Jan 8, 20182 min read
Why 200V CDM and 35V isolated conductor?
Q1) In the scope, 200 volts CDM & 35 volts on isolated conductors are added. What is the intention to add them? Why are both of them...
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